emjaez Dance Studio has a zero tolerance policy for bullying. emjaez students and Parents/Guardians are expected to conduct themselves in the highest form of dignity, respect and morality.
A dancer may not compete or train with emjaez Dance Studio if he or she is on another competitive dance team that competes in mainstream dance studio competitions. There is no other sport where an athlete competes on two different teams against her or himself, as it is a conflict of interest. We work hard to maintain a dedicated, positive, close team and family environment in our studio.
Please make sure to notify the studio of any type of medical/health/emotional concerns that could hinder the student from taking class or fully participating. This includes any illnesses and/or injuries (i.e., sprains, concussions, pulled muscles, etc.). Dancers are encouraged to observe or Zoom in on their classes during recovery. Tuition is still applied, as students are learning through observation. Long-term/extended injuries with a doctors’ note should be discussed with Mary Jo to determine options for a recovery/tuition plan.
To Zoom in on a class during illness or injury, call or email the office 24-hours in advance to request the Zoom link.
If you are not able to Zoom in and must miss a class due to illness, etc., please call the studio to notify us that you will not be attending class. Missed classes can be made up within one month. Please call or email the studio for the appropriate make-up class and give a 24-hour advance notice that your dancer will be making up a missed class.
All studio information is posted on the website:
For updates, class photos/videos and fun, please follow us on Instagram and “like” our studio Facebook page.
To receive important reminders and information, you will automatically be signed up for Remind notifications through the office upon registering. You will need to approve it once you receive the notification on your phone.
In order to maintain a professional relationship, interaction between students and Parents/Guardians with studio instructors and staff on any social media site other than emjaez is prohibited. We love you dearly, but we cannot accept your requests.
We work hard to make the dance experience organized and fun. Keeping you informed is one of our primary goals. Please read all newsletters and other studio information. It is our job to inform, it is your job to be informed. Successful children have informed parents.
Here’s how to stay informed…
You can communicate with us through email:
All studio information is posted on the website:
For updates, class photos/videos and fun, please follow us on Instagram and “like” our Facebook page.
Informative text messages will also be sent through the Remind app. You can communicate with us through this text app! To receive these important reminders and information, you will automatically be signed up for Remind notifications through the office upon registering. You will need to approve it once you receive the notification on your phone.
ABSOLUTELY NO GUM is permitted in emjaez Dance Studio.
All students must adhere to the dress code. Continual improper dress code will be addressed with the Student/Parent/Guardian..
NO cell phone/smart watch use during class with the exception of videotaping for practice purposes. Videotaping must be approved by the instructor. Any videotaping allowed during class time is not permitted to be posted on social media without the permission of the instructor/studio. Students should keep their phones in their dance bags.
For technical placement and corrections, we are a hands-on studio.
Students should not enter the studio until the class before them has left the room and your instructor allows you in.
Punctuality is extremely important to ensure proper warm-up of the body. Classes will begin on time and students should be punctual to class. If a student is more than 15 minutes late, he or she must receive the teachers’ permission to enter the class. For the safety of the dancer, any student more than 30 minutes late may be asked to observe class only. Participation will be at the discretion of the instructor.
Dance shoes should not be worn to and from class or outside at any time. This will add to the wear and tear of your dance shoes as well as damage our dance floors. It is also unsanitary. Students/Parents/Guardians will not be permitted to enter a dance studio with shoes that have been worn outside.